Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What Is The Button Hole On Overalls What Is The Purpose Of The Diagonal Button Hole On Top Of The Bib Of Bib Overalls?

What is the purpose of the diagonal button hole on top of the bib of bib overalls? - what is the button hole on overalls

The score is not really the most fun.

When he began designing watches pocket bibs, how to tell time. The loop of string, rope, or whatever through the slot and pull the clock in the acutal small open pocket on the top of the back.

I saw the open bag small, especially on the left side, since most farmers were supplied and used his right hand to rest upright on the clock.

Like I said, now is not really used and keep a pencil in it would be dangerous for either the neck of his chest. Most bibs two pencils on each side of the main compartment.


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