Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mild Stroke Symptoms More Condition_treatment Is It Possible To Get Mild PTSD From Having A Stroke?

Is it possible to get mild PTSD from having a stroke? - mild stroke symptoms more condition_treatment

I'm in my teens and I recently had a stroke. I was absolutely natural fear at the time, but now I'm not much of it because it was the cause of my stroke. The fact is that I do not remember the race now, only consequences.
During the day, I'm basically OK (I remember little, if I forget a word or something, because, as I began my career, but I've learned to ignore them) and make a good comeback, but in the night I have nightmares and terrible living experience symptoms of a stroke spirit and vivid memories. I am now even more scared when I wake up thinking that my arm is asleep or whatever used. Sounds a bit like the PTSD syndrome with nightmares and flashbacks, but there is little fear and anxiety involved.
I wonder what my night memories / nightmares, and if so frequently after a stroke.


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