Sunday, December 20, 2009

Vehicle Lease Agreement Car Lease Vehicle Lease Cancellation?

Car Lease Vehicle Lease Cancellation? - vehicle lease agreement

I'm in Canada and I went to a dealer to buy a SUV. The dealer had a price agreed and took my credit card as a deposit for the car to prove that I'm serious, they have signed me to a credit check I signed that I would. Three days later I was given my consent. When I arrived at the agency that has the lease at a higher price then set what was originally agreed, they wanted to sign the documents, saying the price would be. I refused to sign the lease to the highest price. They said they would contact me within hours and the price. Because of my terrible experience that not even buy the car and he was so happy, but I felt that I had seen the advantage. He called me and told me that the formalities for which we originally agreed price. Now I would like to sign the lease at all, I totally tried this from my experience at the level of distrust in order to sign me, treated a higher price. Now they are telling me that my credit card that you can give me a study in the EOC, therert. What are my rights in Alberta and Canada, which has not signed a document of lease documents signed only a credit check on me?


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