Saturday, January 9, 2010

Installing Integrated Dishwasher Installing Dual Video Cards On A Motherboard Without Integrated Onboard Graphics?

Installing dual video cards on a motherboard without integrated onboard graphics? - installing integrated dishwasher

OK, I have 2 NVIDIA GeForce FX graphics card, I would like to operate on a Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe. It has integrated graphics. A graphics card is an Apollo FX5200 AGP 8x graphics processor with 128 MB of RAM. The other is a PCI Quadro FX5500 with 128 MB of RAM. I have the drivers for the video above (ForceWare driver) Well, here is my Dillema. The cards will generate an image on the monitor of the first turn on the computer? Before you can install the driver, I have the BIOS configuration, an operating system installation and configuration of the operating system. To run the card without driver 2 (maybe less) hours?


U Betcha said...

The BIOS and the operating system by default, use the AGP card with a generic driver, then you can install drivers and configure your system to use two screens.

senser10... said...

It is pretty useless, because the team needs to have a significant primary monitor, and not to both an AGP and a PCI graphics card is due. Normally, when the ignition is, the computer will automatically select AGP, Accelerated Graphics Port, the means and is faster than PCI, PCI Express, but Slovenia, my advice is to buy a new motherboard, but other than that they are almost between the hammer and anvil.

pbeedaor said...

Yes, in my experience of building materials usually the graphics card will give you a free database driver output.

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