Saturday, January 2, 2010

Pocket Bike Gear On A Pocket Bike Do You Hav To Switch Gear Manually Or It It Automatic?

On a pocket bike do you hav to switch gear manually or it it automatic? - pocket bike gear

How do you want, and if manual


Brady said...

Depends on what size and brand that will be displayed. Pocket Bikes 49cc/50cc most are fully automatic (no change), but most 110cc machines. You can semi-automatically (without a clutch, but is still running)) or manual (clutch and gearbox. 90cc Pocket Bikes are transmissions in general also. I hope this helped

Brady said...

Depends on what size and brand that will be displayed. Pocket Bikes 49cc/50cc most are fully automatic (no change), but most 110cc machines. You can semi-automatically (without a clutch, but is still running)) or manual (clutch and gearbox. 90cc Pocket Bikes are transmissions in general also. I hope this helped

Marcus said...

I do not know much about pocket bikes, but this place seems to have good information Good luck!

Polar Bear said...

Most pocket bikes have all the so-called gearless centrifugal clutch ....

BTW: Rutgers FB vibrates when you can fly the Texas ...... NO!

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