Friday, January 29, 2010

Sorority Initiation Pictures In My Sorority We Make Paddles For Our Littles And They Get Them At Initiation.?

In my sorority we make paddles for our littles and they get them at initiation.? - sorority initiation pictures

I will, but my ideas. Has anyone information or pictures of those who have done this before?


greenhou... said...

When I see you I would be the largest fabric store, you can go and then only one or two hours surfing, all tissues. I'm sure something that will remind your child to be found. I've never seen someone put a lot of Rinestone in others, which should be entrusted with a lot of bling? Or you can really craftsy art and make a collage of tiles on it with his letters and the start date and your name! It would be great, but hard work.

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