Saturday, January 30, 2010

What To Wear For Sorority Presents As An Alumna Of A Sorority, Is It Appropriate To Wear My Greek Letters In The Professional Workplace?

As an alumna of a sorority, is it appropriate to wear my Greek letters in the professional workplace? - what to wear for sorority presents

I coined only so many shirts with the letters on my fraternity, I want to wear them at work, but I'm not sure how people react. I just want to know whether most companies have a general approach on this issue. Some companies do not want anything that has to bear a logo - I know that's not my business that way, but I wonder if my membership would show in a single organization, may constitute a breach of an unwritten rule of political correctness.


joey322 said...

I agree with the first answer.
It is difficult to leave this behind him, but I know what went through my head, if you one of my employees with a shirt covered with letters on this subject. I wonder why no progress. Of course I want to experience a conversation starter to learn more about you. I think I'm broke.
Go with what you believe is right. If your cards are not gawdy or distraction, go ahead. If you work in sales and the necessity of what they want along with other concerns, it should contain the voice.
I think the crucial factor is what we do in life.
if you can prove, with a large Nike logo "work" on his shirt, then take the cards!
If not, it can not.

elfhild said...

I agree. You can use, but with class. I have a colleague who was in a fraternity and boasted everywhere. He paints in her classroom, took their Greek letters are being published, the T-shirt .... every day, and she has 6 years ago. Many people tend to get frustrated because he has been working very immature about the whole affair.

reality said...

Everything depends on the dress code of the company. Ask your boss what is right.

hrhthepr... said...

I think it would be appropriate if it is subtle, but no letters t. Perhaps your tie or pin is (plaque) would be nice. The use of cards can also be inadequate because there is a certain stigma that is associated with Greek life. They have graduated from college, have disappeared. Time to save the arts from the University. You always have the memories, but the dream of networking that is because of an association of fraternity really that - a dream.

MsDee said...

With them, but with class

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